Pinapaka is a legislative assembly constituency in Andhra Pradesh. Election results of Pinapaka assembly constituency seat is given below in a table that also lists all MLAs from this seat. Click election year in the table, for more detailed result.
(Andhra Pradesh) Click on Year to View Detailed Result | |||
Year | Candidate | Party | Total Vote |
2014 | Payam Venkateswarlu | YSRCP | 42475 |
2009 | Rega Kantha Rao | INC | 40028 |
S N | Candidate | Party | Total Vote |
1 | Payam Venkateswarlu Male 40 yr ST | YSRCP Yuvajana Sramika Rythu Congress Party ceiling fan | 42475 31.53% |
2 | Dr Shankar N Male 36 yr ST | TRS Telangana Rashtra Samithi car | 28410 21.09% |
3 | Chanda Lingaiah Dora Male 63 yr ST | BJP Bharatiya Janata Party lotus | 28195 20.93% |
4 | Tholem Ramesh Male 27 yr ST | CPI Communist Party Of India ears of corn and sickle | 19313 14.34% |
5 | Narasimha Rao Payam Male 51 yr ST | IND Independent auto- rickshaw | 4003 2.97% |
6 | Mukthi Sathyam Male 40 yr ST | IND Independent scissors | 3922 2.91% |
7 | Kaleti Bhadraiah Male 48 yr ST | BSP Bahujan Samaj Party elephant | 1849 1.37% |
8 | Bhukya Chitti Babu Male 33 yr ST | PPOI Pyramid Party Of India television | 1504 1.12% |
9 | None Of The Above | NOTA None Of The Above nota | 1480 1.1% |
10 | Komaram Satyanarayana Male 44 yr ST | IND Independent pot | 1130 0.84% |
11 | Sode Venkateswarlu Male 26 yr ST | IND Independent gas stove | 999 0.74% |
12 | Thati Surya Kala Female 39 yr ST | IND Independent electric pole | 871 0.65% |
13 | Sujatha Nitta Female 26 yr ST | IND Independent bat | 546 0.41% |
Total | 134697 78.51% |
Sr No | Candidate | Party | Total Vote |
1 | Rega Kantha Rao Male 32 yr ST | INC Indian National Congress | 40028 34.69% |
2 | Payam Venkateswarlu Male 35 yr ST | CPI Communist Party Of India | 39679 34.39% |
3 | Janakiram Tejavath Male 35 yr ST | PRAP Praja Rajyam Party | 17380 15.06% |
4 | Mukthi Satyam Male 34 yr ST | IND Independent | 5185 4.49% |
5 | Bandaru Nageswara Rao Male 46 yr ST | BSP Bahujan Samaj Party | 2475 2.14% |
6 | Chanda Bharathi Female 53 yr ST | IND Independent | 2230 1.93% |
7 | Ravindra Kumar Dharavath Male 26 yr ST | IND Independent | 1966 1.7% |
8 | Banavath Srinivasa Rao Male 31 yr ST | LSP Lok Satta Party | 1936 1.68% |
9 | Bhukya Seetharamulu Male 33 yr ST | BJP Bharatiya Janata Party | 1790 1.55% |
10 | Dharavath Chandu Male 32 yr ST | IND Independent | 1500 1.3% |
11 | Daravath Hanmanth Naik Male 28 yr ST | IND Independent | 647 0.56% |
12 | Chintha Sammaiah Male 26 yr ST | IND Independent | 570 0.49% |
Total | 115386 74.53% |
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