Ichchapuram is a legislative assembly constituency in Andhra Pradesh. Election results of Ichchapuram assembly constituency seat is given below in a table that also lists all MLAs from this seat. Click election year in the table, for more detailed result.
(Andhra Pradesh) Click on Year to View Detailed Result | |||
Year | Candidate | Party | Total Vote |
2019 | Ashok Bendalam | TDP | 79992 |
2014 | Ashok Bendalam | TDP | 86815 |
2009 | Piriya Sairaj | TDP | 45277 |
S N | Candidate | Party | Total Vote |
1 | Ashok Bendalam Male 37 yr GEN | TDP Telugu Desam bicycle | 79992 46.39% |
2 | Piriya Sairaj Male 42 yr GEN | YSRCP Yuvajana Sramika Rythu Congress Party ceiling fan | 72847 42.25% |
3 | Dasari Raju Male 42 yr GEN | JnP Janasena Party glass tumbler | 11123 6.45% |
4 | Nota | NOTA None Of The Above nota | 3880 2.25% |
5 | Eswara Rao Kolli Male 50 yr GEN | INC Indian National Congress hand | 2138 1.24% |
6 | Jannala Suryavara Prasada Rao Male 67 yr GEN | BJP Bharatiya Janata Party lotus | 1826 1.06% |
7 | Ganapa Vanajakshi Female 31 yr GEN | IND Independent ring | 617 0.36% |
Total | 172423 69.54% |
Sr No | Candidate | Party | Total Vote |
1 | Ashok Bendalam Male 32 yr GEN | TDP Telugu Desam bicycle | 86815 53.95% |
2 | Nartu Rama Rao Male 55 yr GEN | YSRCP Yuvajana Sramika Rythu Congress Party ceiling fan | 61537 38.24% |
3 | Agarwal Naresh (lallu) Male 56 yr GEN | INC Indian National Congress hand | 6582 4.09% |
4 | Malipeddi Dhanunjaya Rao Male 48 yr GEN | BSP Bahujan Samaj Party elephant | 1374 0.85% |
5 | Murapala Kodandarao Male 36 yr GEN | JASPA Jai Samaikyandhra Party chappals | 1184 0.74% |
6 | Bade Gowriswari Female 31 yr GEN | LSP Lok Satta Party whistle | 1114 0.69% |
7 | None Of The Above | NOTA None Of The Above nota | 845 0.53% |
8 | Bora Tulasi Rao Male 44 yr GEN | IND Independent auto- rickshaw | 648 0.4% |
9 | Isuru Bhaskar Reddy Male 36 yr GEN | NBNP Nava Bharat National Party dao | 478 0.3% |
10 | Teja Singh John Khan Hong Male 44 yr GEN | IND Independent pen stand | 342 0.21% |
Total | 160919 71.52% |
Sr No | Candidate | Party | Total Vote |
1 | Piriya Sairaj Male 33 yr GEN | TDP Telugu Desam | 45277 33.24% |
2 | Narthu Ramarao Male 50 yr GEN | INC Indian National Congress | 43002 31.57% |
3 | Narthu Seshagiri Rao Male 41 yr GEN | PRAP Praja Rajyam Party | 39256 28.82% |
4 | Umapathi Badiya Male 63 yr SC | BSP Bahujan Samaj Party | 5222 3.83% |
5 | Rama Raju Mahanthi Male 30 yr GEN | PPOI Pyramid Party Of India | 3465 2.54% |
Total | 136222 73.14% |
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