Majholi is a legislative assembly constituency in Madhya Pradesh. Election results of Majholi assembly constituency seat is given below in a table that also lists all MLAs from this seat. Click election year in the table, for more detailed result.
(Madhya Pradesh) Click on Year to View Detailed Result | |||
Year | Candidate | Party | Total Vote |
2003 | Ajay Vishnoi | BJP | 42969 |
1998 | Ajay Vishnoi | BJP | 45102 |
1993 | Ram Kumar Patel | INC | 32272 |
1990 | Ram Prakash | BJP | 26857 |
1985 | Satyendra Prasad Mishra | INC | 20576 |
1980 | Vijai | INC(I) | 17737 |
1977 | Gontia Trimbakeshwar Prasad Dubey | INC | 20786 |
S N | Candidate | Party | Total Vote |
1 | Ajay Vishnoi Male | BJP Bharatiya Janata Party | 42969 46.83% |
2 | Tara Patel Female | INC Indian National Congress | 29347 31.98% |
3 | Shyam Sundar Male | GGP Gondvana Gantantra Party | 4063 4.43% |
4 | Santosh Rai Male | IND Independent | 3854 4.2% |
5 | Ramesh Patel Male | BSP Bahujan Samaj Party | 3430 3.74% |
6 | Shiv Kumar Male | IND Independent | 2516 2.74% |
7 | Subhash Patel Male | IND Independent | 1715 1.87% |
8 | Manmohan Singh Yadav Alias Bhangilal Male | SP Samajwadi Party | 1623 1.77% |
9 | Ram Gopal Patel Male | AD Apna Dal | 601 0.65% |
10 | Sageer Ansari Male | IND Independent | 461 0.5% |
11 | Miss Anju Pandey Female | IND Independent | 274 0.3% |
12 | Jhanaklal Patel Male | IND Independent | 261 0.28% |
13 | Ajay Soni (guddu) Male | IND Independent | 251 0.27% |
14 | Pramod Kuthar Male | IND Independent | 212 0.23% |
15 | Sachin Pandey (sonu Bhaiya) Male | JP Janata Party | 181 0.2% |
Total | 91758 69.59% |
Sr No | Candidate | Party | Total Vote |
1 | Ajay Vishnoi Male | BJP Bharatiya Janata Party | 45102 58.79% |
2 | Ram Kumar Patel Male | INC Indian National Congress | 24930 32.49% |
3 | Gondiya Arvind Dubey Male | AJBP Ajeya Bharat Party | 4825 6.29% |
4 | Suresh Kumar Yadav Male | JD Janata Dal | 1088 1.42% |
5 | Rustam Khan Male | SP Samajwadi Party | 305 0.4% |
6 | Pramod Male | IND Independent | 243 0.32% |
7 | Vijay Mohan Tiwari Male | IND Independent | 228 0.3% |
Total | 76721 63.08% |
Sr No | Candidate | Party | Total Vote |
1 | Ram Kumar Patel Male | INC Indian National Congress | 32272 47.1% |
2 | Ajay Vishnoi Male | BJP Bhartiya Janta Party | 31933 46.6% |
3 | Ram Bhawan Singh Male | BSP Bahujan Samaj Party | 1199 1.75% |
4 | Lakhan Male | SP Samajwadi Party | 979 1.43% |
5 | Chedila Gontia Male | IND Independents | 866 1.26% |
6 | Nirmal Chand Jain Male | IND Independents | 628 0.92% |
7 | Vijay Kumar Choudhary Male | IND Independents | 177 0.26% |
8 | Rawa Prasad Male | IND Independents | 172 0.25% |
9 | Ram Prakash Male | KMGR Kisan Mozdoor Gaon Raj | 153 0.22% |
10 | Sant Kumar Male | IND Independents | 140 0.2% |
Total | 68519 64.14% |
Sr No | Candidate | Party | Total Vote |
1 | Ram Prakash Male | BJP Bhartiya Janata Party | 26857 47.09% |
2 | Satyendra Prasad Mishra Male | INC Indian National Congress | 18280 32.05% |
3 | Ghan Shyam Patel Male | BSP Bahujan Samaj Party | 6803 11.93% |
4 | Ghan Shyam Bhagwan Das Male | IND Independents | 1207 2.12% |
5 | Anchal Kumar Male | IND Independents | 854 1.5% |
6 | Krishna Kumar Male | IND Independents | 700 1.23% |
7 | Sadik Male | IND Independents | 323 0.57% |
8 | Prahlad Male | IND Independents | 322 0.56% |
9 | Ayodhya Prasad Male | IND Independents | 258 0.45% |
10 | Viay Kumar Male | IND Independents | 231 0.41% |
11 | Jageshwar Prasad Male | IND Independents | 212 0.37% |
12 | Jamuna Prasad Patel Male | IND Independents | 211 0.37% |
13 | Balkrishna Baldhikar Male | BJS Akhil Bharatiya Jana Sangh | 158 0.28% |
14 | Ravi Kumar Saini Male | IND Independents | 153 0.27% |
15 | Teji Lal Male | IND Independents | 120 0.21% |
16 | Jhnak Lal Patel Male | IND Independents | 102 0.18% |
17 | Kishan Lal Kashyap Male | IND Independents | 83 0.15% |
18 | Vieendra Singh Male | IND Independents | 60 0.11% |
19 | Rajendra Kumar Tiwari Male | DDP Doordarshi Party | 51 0.09% |
20 | Prakash Chand Chourasia Male | IND Independents | 49 0.09% |
Total | 57034 55.64% |
Sr No | Candidate | Party | Total Vote |
1 | Satyendra Prasad Mishra Male | INC Indian National Congress | 20576 51.43% |
2 | Ambikeshwar Dubey Male | BJP Bharatiya Janta Party | 15050 37.62% |
3 | Mohammad Saheed Mansuri Male | CPI Communist Party Of India | 2629 6.57% |
4 | Ayodhya Prasad Pandey Male | IND Independent | 693 1.73% |
5 | Jhanaklal Patel Male | JNP Janta Party | 495 1.24% |
6 | Jiya Lal Male | IND Independent | 344 0.86% |
7 | Hari Singh Keshari Male | IND Independent | 222 0.55% |
Total | 40009 50.72% |
Sr No | Candidate | Party | Total Vote |
1 | Vijai Male | INC(I) Indian National Congress (i) | 17737 49.08% |
2 | Thakur Pukhraj Singh Chandel Male | BJP Bharatiya Janata Party | 10841 30% |
3 | Ghanshyam Patel Male | JNP(SC) Janata Party (secular) - Ch. Charan Singh | 2010 5.56% |
4 | Mohd Sayed Mansuri Male | CPI Communist Party Of India | 1943 5.38% |
5 | Mahendra Male | IND Independents | 1322 3.66% |
6 | Bhagwan Singh Male | IND Independents | 1074 2.97% |
7 | Ghanshyam Prasad Male | IND Independents | 676 1.87% |
8 | Ayodhya Prasad Male | IND Independents | 536 1.48% |
Total | 36139 51.26% |
Sr No | Candidate | Party | Total Vote |
1 | Gontia Trimbakeshwar Prasad Dubey Male | INC Indian National Congress | 20786 52.62% |
2 | Rajbhanu Shukla Male | JNP Janata Party | 14834 37.56% |
3 | Kishanlal Kashyap Male | IND Independents | 2211 5.6% |
4 | Ajodhya Prasad Male | IND Independents | 883 2.24% |
5 | Gopal Singh Male | IND Independents | 785 1.99% |
Total | 39499 63.29% |
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