Korai is a legislative assembly constituency in Odisha. Election results of Korai assembly constituency seat is given below in a table that also lists all MLAs from this seat. Click election year in the table, for more detailed result.
(Odisha) Click on Year to View Detailed Result | |||
Year | Candidate | Party | Total Vote |
2004 | Sanchita Mohanty | BJP | 67888 |
2000 | Ashok Kumar Das | JD(S) | 39281 |
1995 | Ashok Kumar Das | JD | 60415 |
1990 | Ashok Kumar Das | JD | 61138 |
1985 | Rama Chandra Khuntia | INC | 36102 |
1980 | Ashok Kumar Das | JNP(SC) | 33214 |
1977 | Ashok Kumar Das | JNP | 29156 |
1974 | Ashok Kumar Das | UTC | 29129 |
S N | Candidate | Party | Total Vote |
1 | Sanchita Mohanty Female 50 yr GEN | BJP Bharatiya Janata Party | 67888 |
2 | Ashok Kumar Das Male 57 yr GEN | JD(S) Janata Dal (secular) | 48709 |
3 | Umakanta Sethi Male 27 yr SC | IND Independent | 3398 |
4 | Bidyadhar Mohanty Male 44 yr GEN | IND Independent | 3031 |
Total | 123026 |
Sr No | Candidate | Party | Total Vote |
1 | Ashok Kumar Das Male | JD(S) Janata Dal (secular) | 39281 38.21% |
2 | Sanchita Mohanty Female | BJP Bharatiya Janata Party | 28390 27.61% |
3 | Hrushikesh Rout Male | IND Independent | 10476 10.19% |
4 | Bidyadhar Mohanty Male | IND Independent | 9292 9.04% |
5 | Digambar Kar Male | IND Independent | 8733 8.49% |
6 | Asim Kanta Kar Male | IND Independent | 4033 3.92% |
7 | Abhimanue Mohapatra Male | IND Independent | 1642 1.6% |
8 | Binodini Mallick Female | BSP Bahujan Samaj Party | 743 0.72% |
9 | Narayan Mohanty Male | IND Independent | 219 0.21% |
Total | 102809 59.44% |
Sr No | Candidate | Party | Total Vote |
1 | Ashok Kumar Das Male | JD Janata Dal | 60415 49.58% |
2 | Ramachandra Khuntia Male | INC Indian National Congress | 57591 47.26% |
3 | Satya Narayan Mohanty Male | BJP Bharatiya Janata Party | 1834 1.51% |
4 | Pitamber Kar Male | IND Independent | 608 0.5% |
5 | Abhimanyu Jena Male | IND Independent | 456 0.37% |
6 | Gouranga Charan Behera Male | IND Independent | 411 0.34% |
7 | Atala Mohanty Male | IND Independent | 344 0.28% |
8 | Ajaya Mishra Male | IND Independent | 175 0.14% |
9 | Saroj Kumar Pati Male | IND Independent | 20 0.02% |
Total | 121854 80.1% |
Sr No | Candidate | Party | Total Vote |
1 | Ashok Kumar Das Male | JD Janata Dal | 61138 63.37% |
2 | Rama Chandra Khuntia Male | INC Indian National Congress | 33630 34.86% |
3 | Gobardhan Sahoo Male | BJP Bhartiya Janata Party | 1402 1.45% |
4 | Govind Rout Male | IND Independents | 311 0.32% |
Total | 96481 66.86% |
Sr No | Candidate | Party | Total Vote |
1 | Rama Chandra Khuntia Male | INC Indian National Congress | 36102 47.77% |
2 | Ashok Das Male | JNP Janta Party | 34808 46.06% |
3 | Md Hosen Rabi Gandhi Male | IND Independent | 4248 5.62% |
4 | Purshottam Das Maskara Male | IND Independent | 419 0.55% |
Total | 75577 68.32% |
Sr No | Candidate | Party | Total Vote |
1 | Ashok Kumar Das Male | JNP(SC) Janata Party (secular) - Ch. Charan Singh | 33214 54.38% |
2 | Rama Chandra Khuntia Male | INC(I) Indian National Congress (i) | 21376 35% |
3 | Janaradan Rout Male | INC(U) Indian National Congress (u) | 5663 9.27% |
4 | Rajendra Kumar Mallik Male | IND Independents | 820 1.34% |
Total | 61073 62.64% |
Sr No | Candidate | Party | Total Vote |
1 | Ashok Kumar Das Male | JNP Janata Party | 29156 60.55% |
2 | Prafulla Chandra Charai Male | INC Indian National Congress | 18996 39.45% |
Total | 48152 54% |
Sr No | Candidate | Party | Total Vote |
1 | Ashok Kumar Das Male | UTC Utkal Congress | 29129 54.09% |
2 | Prafulla Chandra Ghadai Male | INC Indian National Congress | 17753 32.97% |
3 | Narayan Mohanty Male | IND Independents | 3706 6.88% |
4 | Balaram Sahu Male | SUC Socialist Unity Centre | 2065 3.83% |
5 | Krushna Chandra Khandai Male | IND Independents | 664 1.23% |
6 | Sak Yakukab Male | IND Independents | 388 0.72% |
7 | Bipin Behari Mohanty Male | JAC Jana Congress | 143 0.27% |
Total | 53848 65.34% |
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