Rajnagar is a legislative assembly constituency in Odisha. Election results of Rajnagar assembly constituency seat is given below in a table that also lists all MLAs from this seat. Click election year in the table, for more detailed result.
(Odisha) Click on Year to View Detailed Result | |||
Year | Candidate | Party | Total Vote |
2004 | Nalinikanta Mohanty | INC | 69856 |
2000 | Nalini Kanta Mohanty | BJD | 84532 |
1995 | Nalinikant Mohanty | JD | 65260 |
1990 | Nalinikanta Mohanty | JD | 58553 |
1985 | Nalinikanta Mohanty | JNP | 39946 |
1980 | Nalinikanta Mohanty | JNP(SC) | 37902 |
1977 | Nalinikanta Mohanty | JNP | 32197 |
1974 | Bijoyananda Patnaik | UTC | 39881 |
1971 | Prahlad Mallik | UTC | 17684 |
S N | Candidate | Party | Total Vote |
1 | Nalinikanta Mohanty Male 55 yr GEN | INC Indian National Congress | 69856 |
2 | Krutibash Patra Male 59 yr GEN | BJD Biju Janata Dal | 61411 |
3 | Pratap Chandra Rout Male 46 yr GEN | IND Independent | 1960 |
4 | Bata Krushna Mall Male 68 yr GEN | IND Independent | 839 |
Total | 134066 |
Sr No | Candidate | Party | Total Vote |
1 | Nalini Kanta Mohanty Male | BJD Biju Janata Dal | 84532 71.11% |
2 | Bijay Pradhan Male | INC Indian National Congress | 32698 27.51% |
3 | Balaram Paikaray Male | CPI Communist Party Of India | 727 0.61% |
4 | Siba Prasad Samantaray Male | NCP Nationalist Congress Party | 444 0.37% |
5 | Biman Behari Sahoo Male | RSP Revolutionary Socialist Party | 294 0.25% |
6 | Tapaswini Das Female | BSP Bahujan Samaj Party | 179 0.15% |
Total | 118874 74.64% |
Sr No | Candidate | Party | Total Vote |
1 | Nalinikant Mohanty Male | JD Janata Dal | 65260 53.4% |
2 | Krutibas Patra Male | INC Indian National Congress | 55538 45.44% |
3 | Sima Prasad Samantroy Male | BJP Bharatiya Janata Party | 635 0.52% |
4 | Nrusingha Behera Male | IND Independent | 585 0.48% |
5 | Yudhisthir Mallik Male | IND Independent | 130 0.11% |
6 | Laxmidhar Lenka Male | IND Independent | 73 0.06% |
Total | 122221 83.8% |
Sr No | Candidate | Party | Total Vote |
1 | Nalinikanta Mohanty Male | JD Janata Dal | 58553 59.2% |
2 | Bijaya Kumar Pradhan Male | INC Indian National Congress | 39244 39.67% |
3 | Pradeep Lenka Male | IND Independents | 1118 1.13% |
Total | 98915 75.51% |
Sr No | Candidate | Party | Total Vote |
1 | Nalinikanta Mohanty Male | JNP Janta Party | 39946 50.85% |
2 | Bojoy Kumar Pradhan Male | INC Indian National Congress | 35925 45.73% |
3 | Kailash Chandra Mohanty Male | IND Independent | 1993 2.54% |
4 | Basanta Kumar Sethi Male | IND Independent | 693 0.88% |
Total | 78557 73.64% |
Sr No | Candidate | Party | Total Vote |
1 | Nalinikanta Mohanty Male | JNP(SC) Janata Party (secular) - Ch. Charan Singh | 37902 55.93% |
2 | Laxmidhar Lenka Male | INC(I) Indian National Congress (i) | 28260 41.7% |
3 | Suren Kumar Swain Male | INC(U) Indian National Congress (u) | 977 1.44% |
4 | Guru Charan Das Male | BJP Bharatiya Janata Party | 628 0.93% |
Total | 67767 68.72% |
Sr No | Candidate | Party | Total Vote |
1 | Nalinikanta Mohanty Male | JNP Janata Party | 32197 62.49% |
2 | Laxmidhar Lenka Male | INC Indian National Congress | 16035 31.12% |
3 | Bishnu Prasad Bahalia Male | IND Independents | 2329 4.52% |
4 | Jagannath Nayak Male | IND Independents | 964 1.87% |
Total | 51525 59.09% |
Sr No | Candidate | Party | Total Vote |
1 | Bijoyananda Patnaik Male | UTC Utkal Congress | 39881 65.97% |
2 | Pranakrishna Routary Male | INC Indian National Congress | 18770 31.05% |
3 | Somanath Choudhury Male | IND Independents | 1800 2.98% |
Total | 60451 76.93% |
Sr No | Candidate | Party | Total Vote |
1 | Prahlad Mallik Male | UTC Utkal Congress | 17684 34.67% |
2 | Dhruba Charan Routray Male | INC Indian National Congress | 12251 24.02% |
3 | Padma Charan Nayak Male | PSP Praja Socialist Party | 10319 20.23% |
4 | Ananta Charan Tripathy Male | JAC Orissa Jana Congress | 7383 14.47% |
5 | Guru Charan Das Male | BJS Bharatiya Jana Sangh | 1912 3.75% |
6 | Matilal Das Male | IND Independent | 1055 2.07% |
7 | Baikuntha Patnaik Male | NCO Indian National Congress (organisation) | 406 0.8% |
Total | 51010 59.68% |
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