Rangia is a legislative assembly constituency in Assam. Election results of Rangia assembly constituency seat is given below in a table that also lists all MLAs from this seat. Click election year in the table, for more detailed result.
(Assam) Click on Year to View Detailed Result | |||
Year | Candidate | Party | Total Vote |
2021 | Bhabesh Kalita | BJP | 84844 |
2016 | Bhabesh Kalita | BJP | 58353 |
S N | Candidate | Party | Total Vote |
1 | Bhabesh Kalita Male 49 yr GEN | BJP Bharatiya Janata Party lotus | 84844 52.11% |
2 | Bhagaban Dev Misra Male 64 yr GEN | CPI(M) Communist Party Of India (marxist) hammer, sickle and star | 64624 39.69% |
3 | Dr Babul Sahariah Male 61 yr GEN | ASMJTYP Assam Jatiya Parishad ship | 3560 2.19% |
4 | Hareswar Barman Male 67 yr GEN | IND Independent gas cylinder | 3505 2.15% |
5 | Nota | NOTA None Of The Above nota | 1925 1.18% |
6 | Pabitra Boro Male 47 yr ST | VPI Voters Party International battery torch | 1371 0.84% |
7 | Jayanta Kumar Kalita Male 43 yr GEN | IND Independent helmet | 1290 0.79% |
8 | Sahabuddin Ali Ahmed Male 46 yr GEN | IND Independent football player | 1092 0.67% |
9 | Biswajit Brahma Male 41 yr ST | JD(U) Janata Dal (united) arrow | 611 0.38% |
Total | 162822 83.03% |
Sr No | Candidate | Party | Total Vote |
1 | Bhabesh Kalita Male 44 yr GEN | BJP Bharatiya Janata Party | 58353 40.72% |
2 | Ghanashyam Kalita Male 63 yr GEN | INC Indian National Congress | 26286 18.34% |
3 | Mrinal Deka Male 43 yr GEN | IND Independent | 17772 12.4% |
4 | Abdul Samad Choudhury Male 29 yr GEN | AIUDF All India United Democratic Front | 14411 10.06% |
5 | Ananta Deka Male 58 yr GEN | CPM Communist Party Of India (marxist) | 12261 8.56% |
6 | Thaneswar Boro Male 75 yr ST | IND Independent | 5358 3.74% |
7 | Samsul Haque Male 39 yr GEN | IND Independent | 4472 3.12% |
8 | Pabitra Baro Male 42 yr ST | IND Independent | 1230 0.86% |
9 | Rajib Kakoti Male 44 yr GEN | IND Independent | 1066 0.74% |
10 | None Of The Above | NOTA None Of The Above nota | 892 0.62% |
11 | Biswajit Brahma Male 36 yr ST | IND Independent | 616 0.43% |
12 | Babul Baro Male 41 yr ST | IND Independent | 570 0.4% |
Total | 143287 84.45% |
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