Kushalgarh is a legislative assembly constituency in Rajasthan. Election results of Kushalgarh assembly constituency seat is given below in a table that also lists all MLAs from this seat. Click election year in the table, for more detailed result.
(Rajasthan) Click on Year to View Detailed Result | |||
Year | Candidate | Party | Total Vote |
2018 | Ramila Khadiya | IND | 94344 |
2013 | Bhima Bhai | BJP | 63979 |
2008 | Fateh Singh | JD(U) | 37610 |
2003 | Fateysingh | JD(U) | 54589 |
1998 | Fate Singh | JD | 45316 |
1993 | Fateh Singh | JD | 42072 |
1990 | Fateh Singh | JD | 40987 |
1985 | Ver Singh | INC | 25591 |
1980 | Fate Singh | JNP(SC) | 23277 |
1977 | Jithing | JNP | 25218 |
1972 | Jithing | SOP | 27284 |
S N | Candidate | Party | Total Vote |
1 | Ramila Khadiya Female 49 yr ST | IND Independent farmer ploughing within square | 94344 47.67% |
2 | Bhima Bhai Male 60 yr ST | BJP Bharatiya Janata Party lotus | 75394 38.1% |
3 | None Of The Above | NOTA None Of The Above nota | 11002 5.56% |
4 | Chagan Male 36 yr ST | BSP Bahujan Samaj Party elephant | 6016 3.04% |
5 | Devchand Mavi Male 60 yr ST | IND Independent tractor chalata kisan | 3011 1.52% |
6 | Dinesh Male 25 yr ST | ARJP Abhinav Rajasthan Party battery torch | 2527 1.28% |
7 | Fateh Singh Male 85 yr ST | LJD Loktantrik Janta Dal auto- rickshaw | 2281 1.15% |
8 | Naresh Male 31 yr ST | IND Independent cot | 1709 0.86% |
9 | Ashok Male 30 yr ST | IND Independent binoculars | 1616 0.82% |
Total | 197900 86.49% |
Sr No | Candidate | Party | Total Vote |
1 | Bhima Bhai Male 52 yr ST | BJP Bharatiya Janata Party lotus | 63979 40.93% |
2 | Hurting Khadiya Male 43 yr ST | INC Indian National Congress hand | 63271 40.48% |
3 | Fateh Singh Male 80 yr ST | JD(U) Janata Dal (united) arrow | 15725 10.06% |
4 | None Of The Above | NOTA None Of The Above nota | 4121 2.64% |
5 | Galiya Male 50 yr ST | BYS Bharatiya Yuva Shakti candles | 3511 2.25% |
6 | Kachrulal Male 68 yr ST | BSP Bahujan Samaj Party elephant | 3382 2.16% |
7 | Bhurjee Maida Male 27 yr ST | NPEP National People’s Party book | 2311 1.48% |
Total | 156300 83.21% |
Sr No | Candidate | Party | Total Vote |
1 | Fateh Singh Male 76 yr ST | JD(U) Janata Dal (united) | 37610 34.36% |
2 | Savlal Male 40 yr ST | INC Indian National Congress | 36653 33.49% |
3 | Ram Chandra Male 37 yr ST | BJP Bharatiya Janata Party | 13907 12.71% |
4 | Vijay Singh Male 61 yr ST | BSP Bahujan Samaj Party | 6064 5.54% |
5 | Virs Ingh Male 46 yr ST | IND Independent | 4648 4.25% |
6 | Kalu Singh Male 46 yr ST | IND Independent | 3598 3.29% |
7 | Prithvi Singh Male 54 yr ST | BJSH Bharatiya Jan Shakti | 3228 2.95% |
8 | Gorsing Male 35 yr ST | IND Independent | 1428 1.3% |
9 | Babu Male 40 yr ST | SP Samajwadi Party | 1318 1.2% |
10 | Varsingh Male 81 yr ST | NCP Nationalist Congress Party | 999 0.91% |
Total | 109453 67.99% |
Sr No | Candidate | Party | Total Vote |
1 | Fateysingh Male | JD(U) Janata Dal (united) | 54589 49.25% |
2 | Hurteeng Male | INC Indian National Congress | 41854 37.76% |
3 | Varsing Male | NCP Nationalist Congress Party | 9437 8.51% |
4 | Kaloosingh Male | SP Samajwadi Party | 4951 4.47% |
Total | 110831 70.68% |
Sr No | Candidate | Party | Total Vote |
1 | Fate Singh Male | JD Janata Dal | 45316 52.36% |
2 | Hurting Male | INC Indian National Congress | 38702 44.71% |
3 | Nawal Singh Male | BJP Bharatiya Janata Party | 2455 2.84% |
4 | Varsingh Male | IND Independent | 80 0.09% |
Total | 86553 66.96% |
Sr No | Candidate | Party | Total Vote |
1 | Fateh Singh Male | JD Janta Dal | 42072 54.81% |
2 | Hari Ram Male | INC Indian National Congress | 27722 36.12% |
3 | Gor Singh Vasuniya Male | BJP Bhartiya Janta Party | 3209 4.18% |
4 | Vijay Singh Male | IND Independents | 2581 3.36% |
5 | Rajeng Male | IND Independents | 854 1.11% |
6 | Hav Singh Male | IND Independents | 246 0.32% |
7 | Gotam Lal Male | DDP Doordarshi Party | 70 0.09% |
Total | 76754 63.53% |
Sr No | Candidate | Party | Total Vote |
1 | Fateh Singh Male | JD Janata Dal | 40987 66.35% |
2 | Var Singh Male | INC Indian National Congress | 17727 28.7% |
3 | Poonja Male | IND Independent | 2261 3.66% |
4 | Ram Chander Male | IND Independent | 397 0.64% |
5 | Tersing Male | IND Independent | 302 0.49% |
6 | Kanji Male | IND Independent | 54 0.09% |
7 | Vijay Singh Male | IND Independent | 42 0.07% |
Total | 61770 55.88% |
Sr No | Candidate | Party | Total Vote |
1 | Ver Singh Male | INC Indian National Congress | 25591 47.31% |
2 | Heera Bhai Male | LKD Lok Dal | 25279 46.73% |
3 | Ram Chandra Male | IND Independent | 1465 2.71% |
4 | Sukh Ram Male | IND Independent | 1091 2.02% |
5 | Sukh Lal Male | IND Independent | 551 1.02% |
6 | Deepa Male | IND Independent | 120 0.22% |
Total | 54097 61.77% |
Sr No | Candidate | Party | Total Vote |
1 | Fate Singh Male | JNP(SC) Janata Party (secular) - Ch. Charan Singh | 23277 56.34% |
2 | Rangi Male | INC(I) Indian National Congress (i) | 16314 39.49% |
3 | Partap Male | IND Independents | 904 2.19% |
4 | Dev Chand Male | IND Independents | 817 1.98% |
Total | 41312 57.64% |
Sr No | Candidate | Party | Total Vote |
1 | Jithing Male | JNP Janata Party | 25218 68.29% |
2 | Hira Lal Male | INC Indian National Congress | 7757 21.01% |
3 | Pojia Male | IND Independents | 2389 6.47% |
4 | Varji Male | IND Independents | 1563 4.23% |
Total | 36927 61.91% |
Sr No | Candidate | Party | Total Vote |
1 | Jithing Male | SOP Samyukta Socialist Party/socialist Party | 27284 55.88% |
2 | Varseeng Male | INC Indian National Congress | 19176 39.27% |
3 | Bhima Male | BJS Bharatiya Jana Sangh | 2368 4.85% |
Total | 48828 72.53% |
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