Bhikangaon is a legislative assembly constituency in Madhya Pradesh. Election results of Bhikangaon assembly constituency seat is given below in a table that also lists all MLAs from this seat. Click election year in the table, for more detailed result.
(Madhya Pradesh) Click on Year to View Detailed Result | |||
Year | Candidate | Party | Total Vote |
2018 | Jhuma Dr Dhyansingh Solanki | INC | 91635 |
2013 | Jhuma Solanki | INC | 72060 |
2008 | Dhool Singh Dawar | BJP | 47216 |
2003 | Dhulsingh | BJP | 35639 |
1998 | Lal Singh Dongarsingh Patel | BJP | 32652 |
1993 | Jawan Singh | INC | 27697 |
1990 | Dongar Singh | BJP | 21153 |
1985 | Juwansingh | INC | 18598 |
1980 | Dongar Singh Patel | BJP | 14803 |
1977 | Dongar Singh Patel | JNP | 16979 |
1972 | Rana Balbahadur Singh | INC | 19012 |
S N | Candidate | Party | Total Vote |
1 | Jhuma Dr Dhyansingh Solanki Female 51 yr ST | INC Indian National Congress hand | 91635 55.39% |
2 | Dhool Singh Dawar Male 60 yr ST | BJP Bharatiya Janata Party lotus | 64378 38.92% |
3 | None Of The Above | NOTA None Of The Above nota | 3885 2.35% |
4 | Rajendra Tukaram Vikas Male 52 yr ST | IND Independent farmer ploughing within square | 2275 1.38% |
5 | Babalu S/o Bhangi Male 62 yr ST | BSP Bahujan Samaj Party elephant | 1354 0.82% |
6 | Bansingh Dawar Male 46 yr ST | IND Independent electric pole | 618 0.37% |
7 | Godavari Tukaram Bhaskare Female 40 yr ST | IND Independent tractor chalata kisan | 533 0.32% |
8 | Ramu Sirsate Male 28 yr ST | AAAP Aam Aadmi Party broom | 414 0.25% |
9 | Krishna Ghoshle Male 44 yr ST | IND Independent key | 337 0.2% |
Total | 165429 77.39% |
Sr No | Candidate | Party | Total Vote |
1 | Jhuma Solanki Female 46 yr ST | INC Indian National Congress hand | 72060 47.39% |
2 | Nanda Brahamne Female 37 yr ST | BJP Bharatiya Janata Party lotus | 69661 45.81% |
3 | None Of The Above | NOTA None Of The Above nota | 3719 2.45% |
4 | Khajan Chouhan Male 42 yr ST | NCP Nationalist Congress Party clock | 3338 2.2% |
5 | D R Barde Male 55 yr ST | BSP Bahujan Samaj Party elephant | 3279 2.16% |
Total | 152057 75.1% |
Sr No | Candidate | Party | Total Vote |
1 | Dhool Singh Dawar Male 50 yr ST | BJP Bharatiya Janata Party | 47216 49.07% |
2 | Sangeeta Sildar Patel Female 31 yr ST | INC Indian National Congress | 33065 34.36% |
3 | Jiyalal Golker Male 40 yr ST | BSP Bahujan Samaj Party | 9536 9.91% |
4 | Lalu Amira Male 27 yr ST | IND Independent | 3741 3.89% |
5 | Tulsi Ramlal Gole Female 40 yr ST | BJSH Bharatiya Jan Shakti | 2662 2.77% |
Total | 96220 67.5% |
Sr No | Candidate | Party | Total Vote |
1 | Dhulsingh Male | BJP Bharatiya Janata Party | 35639 40.04% |
2 | Sildar Patel Male | INC Indian National Congress | 26811 30.12% |
3 | Vesta Bhai Patel Male | NCP Nationalist Congress Party | 9395 10.55% |
4 | Mahendra Singh Patel Male | IND Independent | 5242 5.89% |
5 | Laxmi Bai Ramlal Romade Female | IND Independent | 3676 4.13% |
6 | Prakash Male | BSP Bahujan Samaj Party | 3588 4.03% |
7 | Amar Singh Ghoshle Male | IND Independent | 1845 2.07% |
8 | Rama Kalu Kharade Male | IND Independent | 1049 1.18% |
9 | Kal Singh Bhurla Barole Male | SHS Shivsena | 965 1.08% |
10 | Lal Singh Mote Singh Patel Male | SP Samajwadi Party | 805 0.9% |
Total | 89015 58.7% |
Sr No | Candidate | Party | Total Vote |
1 | Lal Singh Dongarsingh Patel Male | BJP Bharatiya Janata Party | 32652 50.62% |
2 | Jawansingh Patel Male | INC Indian National Congress | 22796 35.34% |
3 | Amarsingh Male | IND Independent | 9060 14.04% |
Total | 64508 52.22% |
Sr No | Candidate | Party | Total Vote |
1 | Jawan Singh Male | INC Indian National Congress | 27697 50.67% |
2 | Lal Singh Male | BJP Bhartiya Janta Party | 25958 47.49% |
3 | Kasri Singh Male | DDP Doordarshi Party | 513 0.94% |
4 | Mahavir Male | IND Independents | 491 0.9% |
Total | 54659 52.22% |
Sr No | Candidate | Party | Total Vote |
1 | Dongar Singh Male | BJP Bhartiya Janata Party | 21153 52.92% |
2 | Sildar Patel Male | INC Indian National Congress | 15997 40.02% |
3 | Genda Lal Gotu Male | DDP Doordarshi Party | 1484 3.71% |
4 | Gore Lal Zetra Male | IND Independents | 725 1.81% |
5 | Allaudin Babu Male | IND Independents | 612 1.53% |
Total | 39971 40.43% |
Sr No | Candidate | Party | Total Vote |
1 | Juwansingh Male | INC Indian National Congress | 18598 63.12% |
2 | Surpalsingh Sardarsingh Patel Male | BJP Bharatiya Janta Party | 9534 32.36% |
3 | Gendalal Male | IND Independent | 1332 4.52% |
Total | 29464 37.45% |
Sr No | Candidate | Party | Total Vote |
1 | Dongar Singh Patel Male | BJP Bharatiya Janata Party | 14803 48.33% |
2 | Juwansingh Anar Singh Male | INC(I) Indian National Congress (i) | 13812 45.1% |
3 | Raghunath Ramsingh Male | IND Independents | 1053 3.44% |
4 | Punibai Female | JNP(SC) Janata Party (secular) - Ch. Charan Singh | 960 3.13% |
Total | 30628 46.23% |
Sr No | Candidate | Party | Total Vote |
1 | Dongar Singh Patel Male | JNP Janata Party | 16979 63.87% |
2 | Sobhagsingh Male | INC Indian National Congress | 6471 24.34% |
3 | Shobharam Bhil Male | IND Independents | 3132 11.78% |
Total | 26582 42.06% |
Sr No | Candidate | Party | Total Vote |
1 | Rana Balbahadur Singh Male | INC Indian National Congress | 19012 60.58% |
2 | Hiralal Yadev Male | BJS Bharatiya Jana Sangh | 10500 33.46% |
3 | Nanu Tuphan Nathulal Male | IND Independents | 1402 4.47% |
4 | Govind Rao Shankar Rao Male | IND Independents | 467 1.49% |
Total | 31381 51.51% |
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