Bhagwanpura is a legislative assembly constituency in Madhya Pradesh. Election results of Bhagwanpura assembly constituency seat is given below in a table that also lists all MLAs from this seat. Click election year in the table, for more detailed result.
(Madhya Pradesh) Click on Year to View Detailed Result | |||
Year | Candidate | Party | Total Vote |
2018 | Kedar Chidabhai Dawar | IND | 73758 |
2013 | Vijay Singh | INC | 67251 |
2008 | Jamna Singh Solanki | BJP | 52309 |
S N | Candidate | Party | Total Vote |
1 | Kedar Chidabhai Dawar Male 54 yr ST | IND Independent tractor chalata kisan | 73758 43.36% |
2 | Jamnasingh Solanki Male 55 yr ST | BJP Bharatiya Janata Party lotus | 64042 37.65% |
3 | Vijay Singh Solanki Male 43 yr ST | INC Indian National Congress hand | 20112 11.82% |
4 | None Of The Above | NOTA None Of The Above nota | 4371 2.57% |
5 | Bhai Kiransingh Badole (kiresh) Male 35 yr ST | CPI Communist Party Of India ears of corn and sickle | 2809 1.65% |
6 | Rakesh S/o Tukaram Chouhan Male 37 yr ST | BSP Bahujan Samaj Party elephant | 1577 0.93% |
7 | Amit Balke Male 32 yr ST | IND Independent farmer ploughing within square | 1456 0.86% |
8 | Parsram Babulal Male 28 yr ST | SPAKP Sapaks Party swing | 1037 0.61% |
9 | Bhurelal Bilwale Male 37 yr ST | AAAP Aam Aadmi Party broom | 942 0.55% |
Total | 170104 76.56% |
Sr No | Candidate | Party | Total Vote |
1 | Vijay Singh Male 45 yr ST | INC Indian National Congress hand | 67251 44.11% |
2 | Gajengra Singh Male 37 yr ST | BJP Bharatiya Janata Party lotus | 65431 42.92% |
3 | None Of The Above | NOTA None Of The Above nota | 5166 3.39% |
4 | Kiransingh Male 32 yr ST | CPI Communist Party Of India ears of corn and sickle | 4582 3.01% |
5 | Jhamral Male 54 yr ST | NCP Nationalist Congress Party clock | 2980 1.95% |
6 | Suresh Male 37 yr ST | BSP Bahujan Samaj Party elephant | 2227 1.46% |
7 | Suresh Male 40 yr ST | IND Independent auto- rickshaw | 2115 1.39% |
8 | Lalsingh Male 62 yr ST | IND Independent kite | 1003 0.66% |
9 | Jvanasing Male 29 yr ST | IND Independent bucket | 913 0.6% |
10 | Gangaram Male 49 yr ST | IND Independent almirah | 778 0.51% |
Total | 152446 72.34% |
Sr No | Candidate | Party | Total Vote |
1 | Jamna Singh Solanki Male 44 yr ST | BJP Bharatiya Janata Party | 52309 50.94% |
2 | Kedar Chida Bhai Dawar Male 44 yr ST | INC Indian National Congress | 36917 35.95% |
3 | Bhai Kiran Singh Badole Male 28 yr ST | CPI Communist Party Of India | 4828 4.7% |
4 | Pratapsingh Akole Male 34 yr ST | LJP Lok Jan Shakti Party | 3626 3.53% |
5 | Keshiram Jogada Male 31 yr ST | BJSH Bharatiya Jan Shakti | 2565 2.5% |
6 | Badrilal Ram Jamare Male 29 yr ST | BSP Bahujan Samaj Party | 2433 2.37% |
Total | 102678 69.85% |
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