Bordumsa - Diyun is a legislative assembly constituency in Arunachal Pradesh. Election results of Bordumsa - Diyun assembly constituency seat is given below in a table that also lists all MLAs from this seat. Click election year in the table, for more detailed result.
(Arunachal Pradesh) Click on Year to View Detailed Result | |||
Year | Candidate | Party | Total Vote |
2019 | Somlung Mossang | IND | 6330 |
S N | Candidate | Party | Total Vote |
1 | Somlung Mossang Male 49 yr ST | IND Independent battery torch | 6330 39.01% |
2 | Jawra Maio Male 49 yr ST | BJP Bharatiya Janata Party lotus | 3951 24.35% |
3 | Nikh Kamin Male 48 yr ST | NPEP National People's Party book | 3783 23.31% |
4 | Dana Takio Male 47 yr ST | JD(U) Janata Dal (united) arrow | 931 5.74% |
5 | Joseph Kishan Male 55 yr GEN | INC Indian National Congress hand | 328 2.02% |
6 | Upen Chandra Deori Male 55 yr GEN | AIP All Indians Party t.v. remote | 232 1.43% |
7 | Sijen Thakkho Male 47 yr ST | PPA People's Party Of Arunachal maize | 175 1.08% |
8 | Nota | NOTA None Of The Above nota | 161 0.99% |
9 | Pike Pulu Male 53 yr ST | JD(S) Janata Dal (secular) a lady farmer carrying paddy on her head | 123 0.76% |
10 | Bidya Sankar Prasad Male 68 yr GEN | IND Independent tractor chalata kissan | 112 0.69% |
11 | Yari Tok Female 25 yr ST | IND Independent sewing machine | 102 0.63% |
Total | 16228 87.68% |
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