Bordumsa - Diyum is a legislative assembly constituency in Arunachal Pradesh. Election results of Bordumsa - Diyum assembly constituency seat is given below in a table that also lists all MLAs from this seat. Click election year in the table, for more detailed result.
(Arunachal Pradesh) Click on Year to View Detailed Result | |||
Year | Candidate | Party | Total Vote |
2009 | C C Singpho | INC | 6193 |
2004 | C C Singpho | INC | 3816 |
1999 | C C Singpho | INC | 2604 |
1995 | C C Singpho | INC | 3811 |
1990 | C C Singpho | INC | 2500 |
S N | Candidate | Party | Total Vote |
1 | C C Singpho Male 63 yr ST | INC Indian National Congress | 6193 48.84% |
2 | Khumral Lungphi Male 37 yr ST | NCP Nationalist Congress Party | 5238 41.31% |
3 | Siraiong Singpho Male 30 yr ST | BJP Bharatiya Janata Party | 1250 9.86% |
Total | 12681 81.27% |
Sr No | Candidate | Party | Total Vote |
1 | C C Singpho Male 54 yr ST | INC Indian National Congress | 3816 |
2 | Mayong Maio Male 34 yr ST | IND Independent | 3272 |
3 | Lajala Singpho Male 30 yr ST | IND Independent | 2027 |
4 | Umbontang Singpho Male 29 yr ST | NCP Nationalist Congress Party | 277 |
Total | 9392 |
Sr No | Candidate | Party | Total Vote |
1 | C C Singpho Male | INC Indian National Congress | 2604 33.64% |
2 | Khumral Lungphi Male | IND Independent | 2152 27.8% |
3 | Siongam Singpho Male | BJP Bharatiya Janata Party | 1549 20.01% |
4 | Singdu Nong Singpho Male | IND Independent | 1325 17.12% |
5 | Chowseng Mong Singpho Male | AC Arunachal Congress | 110 1.42% |
Total | 7740 79.92% |
Sr No | Candidate | Party | Total Vote |
1 | C C Singpho Male | INC Indian National Congress | 3811 51.03% |
2 | Singdunong Singpho Male | IND Independent | 2544 34.07% |
3 | Innaola Ong Singpho Male | IND Independent | 823 11.02% |
4 | Sikhet Nong Male | IND Independent | 290 3.88% |
Total | 7468 87.62% |
Sr No | Candidate | Party | Total Vote |
1 | C C Singpho Male | INC Indian National Congress | 2500 43.68% |
2 | Innem Gam Singpho Male | JD Janata Dal | 1639 28.64% |
3 | Sinai Wangno Male | IND Independents | 1584 27.68% |
Total | 5723 77.39% |
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