HTML Image Map
Example 1: HTML Image Map
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<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>HTML Image Map Example</title> </head> <body> <h1>HTML Image Map Example</h1> <img src="fewobjects.jpg" alt="Picture with Objects" usemap="#picmap"> <map name="picmap"> <area shape="circle" coords="80,81,60" alt="Guava" href="guava.html"> <area shape="rect" coords="168,51,275,285" alt="Mobile Phone" href="phone.html"> <area shape="poly" coords="317,141,329,152,338,154,348,166,357,200,360,231,352,288,346,299,333,313,320,317,308,306,307,286,312,260,319,234,318,204,314,181,310,167,312,157,308,149" alt="Brinjal" href="brinjal.html"> </map> <p>The above image map has been created using the map and area tag. The clickable areas have been defined using the x and y axis coordinates.</p> </body> </html>